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Diary of a Mad Woman

I'm not really mad, it's just a twist on an Ozzy song. It's about who I am, writing, and what goes on in my life and my head.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

No Wonder I Like Fargo

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho

The Keys To My Heart...

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Hmm...Ruthless and cold-blooded. Sounds like most of the guys I've gone out with. Scary.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mr. Miyagi Died!! *sobs*

Read About it here.

It's a sad day indeed. *sniffle*

Friday, November 25, 2005

I Got My Mouse Back!!

I found the missing part. Or should I say my mom did. It was on the floor underneath where I keep my cd's. The only place I didn't look. Instead or returning the other one I bought my dad is getting it as a christmas present. sssshhhh!! don't tell!! haha

I put up some more decorations today and took pics with my camera phone and when I get a data cable I'll upload them to my computer and show them to you. They look great if I do say so myself. :-D

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

You Are Pumpkin Pie

Even when people are full - they make room for you.
Good or bad, your smell is most likely to arouse a man.

Actually I didn't have thanksgiving dinner today. My dad had to work today so we're gonna have a party on saturday because he has the day off and we didn't think it was a good idea to have my father gorge himself then head off to work. His co-workers would get to see what he ate. That's not a pretty thought. But I had a good day. We ate turkey TV dinners and whipped up some other goodies that he could go to work on.
I'm looking forward to saturday and the gorge-fest. :-)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So I Got a New Mouse

And it's driving me nuts. It always takes me a long time to get used to a new mouse. It's a trackball like my other one but smaller and not as sensitive. What happened was My old one fell to the floor and the track ball fell out of its socket and now I can't find it which is a shame since the cord to it was longer and it was easier to control. I've looked everywhere for it and I figure I'll find it when I renovate the entire room. Things tend to disappear in this place. I don't know where it all goes. Plus I made such mad dash to get the thing I ended up missing the first few minutes of Lost. I gotta save up and get TiVO. Of course with me and all the shows I watch it may short circuit. LOL

Monday, November 21, 2005

just messing with the photo feature.

click on the banner and refresh a few times to see the animation. yippee!

I'm changing the time on this so it can be on top of the blog. You know that scene in Million Dollar Baby where Morgan Freeman sees Hillary Swank trying to work the punching bag and he decides to help her? He says something like "I'm not a trainer but I can show you this." Meaning how to work a punching bag. That's how I felt when I made this. I had not worked with graphics in a while and I have been more than soured on the whole internet thing from a lot of bad experiences(which is probably why I had not posted on this blog since July eeep!) but I thought "what the hell, I'll do this." Actually just before I sent the email I said to myself "Lord, please don't let this come back to bite me in the ass, Amen."
Much to my surprise and relief he(meaning Robert) was very cordial and a hell of a lot more generous and friendly than I expected. I actually found myself dreading what he was going to say. I figured it would be something crass or insulting. Not because I think he's insulting or crass it's just the way I am. Good ol garden variety depressed, insecure, post traumatic shock penguingirl where love means never having to say "I'm sorry I made you yell at me." But once I did check my messages and saw that he had written back I was, like I said surprised and relieved. It's funny to think that just one little act of kindness that he probably never thought much of can change someone's perspective on things even if it's in the smallest of ways. Plus I got some cool screen captures out of the deal so...
Thanks Robert. You're A-OK in my book. God, that sounded lame. haha

There Has to Be A Special Place in Hell For Pencil Pushers

My mom has been trying to get her student loan payments stopped because she is disabled and cannot work. She filled out the form, sent it in, got her dr's signature, and they denied it. They denied it not because they don't think she's disabled, not because the dr didn't verify that fact but because, get this:

Her dr. signed the form, that's good, he checked the box that says "I am a dr of medicine, also good. BUT There's another box that says "i am licensed to practice medicine in the state of _____" He forgot to check that box and fill in the blank. So they denied her claim.

I hope they all get lead poisoning. or at least end up with a disabled family member so they can see how it feels to get their claim shot down because one little box wasn't checked.

Now All I Have to Do is Be Built Like Her! haha

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Gwen Stefani

Trendsetting, unique, and stylish.

I would have figured Catherine Zeta-Jones but this will do.

So Much for the R.N. Idea

You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine)

You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination.
You were born to be a doctor.

And I thought RN was as far as I could go. Shows what I know. I'm a poet and don't know it. :-p

more fun with quizzes

Your Birthdate: January 24

You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.

Your strength: Your devotion

Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness

Your power color: Lilac

Your power symbol: Heart

Your power month: June

And Here I've been Learning Japanese

You Should Learn Swedish

Fantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!

Sad But True

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

Fun With Quizzes the revenge

Your Observation Skills Get A B-

Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time)
And it takes something big to distract you!

Fun With Quizzes Part Deux

You're A Passed Out Drunk

Drinking gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, until you're thrown in the back of a police car...

Why don't they tell me something I don't know?

Fun With Quizzes

Your Heart Is Red

You're a passionate lover - you always have a huge fire in your heart.
Too bad it's hard for you to be passionate about just one person!

Your flirting style: Outgoing and sexy

Your lucky first date: Drinks and dancing

Your dream lover: Is both stable and intense

What you bring to relationships: Honesty

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