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Diary of a Mad Woman

I'm not really mad, it's just a twist on an Ozzy song. It's about who I am, writing, and what goes on in my life and my head.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Uggghhh! FanFiction!

So I'm working on two stories at the moment, both are fan fictions. One is Star Trek the other is Law and Order:SVU. I am absolutely stuck on the Star Trek story after 11 chapters, I feel like I've written myself into a corner, I have no idea where to go next or how it's gonna end or where they hell I was going with it in the first place, and I have the first chapter of the Law and Order story written in my notebook but Haven't typed it into the computer yet.

What I hate about fan fictions is your audience can be such a cruel bunch they practically make the art of fan fiction a damn blood sport. Create just one original character and they cry "Mary Sue", fail to include a scene where two of the main characters "get it on" and they say it's too dull, write something that may be slightly out of character for someone because you didn't take the time to watch every single frame of the show and the flame you, i.e. "he wouldn't do that, remember episode such and such where he told so and so he would never do that? How dare you write such a thing!", create an original character that does "get it on" with a main character and again they cry "Mary Sue." I'd like to find the person who coined that phrase and put duct tape over their mouth. The truth is ALL fanfic characters are Mary Sue's. Whether they are original or the author is living vicariously through the main characters.

For those who don't know, a "mary sue" character is basically the author who puts themselves into a fanfic as an original character just to see what it would be like to interract with the main characters. It got started, like so many other things, in the world of Star Trek. I tell ya, in the star trek fanfic world, Spock gets his freak on in every story faster than you can say "pon far." So to an extent I can understand the distain over such a character but pleaassse some of you have to lighten up. The point is to enjoy writing. It's not like we're getting paid for it. Write a Mary Sue, write a fully developed character, write that spock ran all over the enterprise wearing nothing but his pointed ears but HAVE FUN!!! It's your story. Sheesh!!
Ok, end of rant.


The Things We Learn When We Least Expect It.

I have a cousin who is a low functioning Autisic and will probably eventually wind up in a home when he's older. Right now he's only 4 soon to be 5 in June. When his parents took him to a specialist to be diagnosed his father told the doctor about me--how I'm highly intelligent but don't like to be around people, that I like some things to be the same, I live with my parents, etc. etc. The doctor suggested that I had asperger's syndrome which is a mild form of autism and quite rare but this doctor was pretty sure that's what I had since my cousin describe me in detail and had given the doctor enough info to make an educated guess. I looked it up, as did my mother and we both at the same time thought "that's me, that is really me." I found some books on the subject and plan to do some more research and maybe go to a doctor even though I can't afford it. (don't get me started) But it does explain how my whole life I was socially awkward and intelligent and how I liked certain routines and felt more comfortable by myself than with other people. I'm gonna try to keep this updated as much as possible to check my progress. I'll also find out more about my cousin.

My First Post and it's a Doozy

Hello everyone!
First off I want to say that I am deeply saddened by the loss of Jerry Orbach(aka Lenny Briscoe on Law and Order) this last Tuesday. He will be deeply missed by me and many people I know.

To him and the many people I've lost to cancer I dedicate this speech from the movie Calendar Girls which pretty much sums up how I feel about finding a cure for this ugly disease that no one should have to go through:
[seeking approval for the calendar at the National WI Conference]
Chris: I'm about to commit heresy. Look, I hate plum jam. [laughter]
Chris: I only joined the WI to make my mother happy. I do, I hate plum jam. I'm crap at cakes, I can't make sponge. In fact, seeing as it's unlikely that George Clooney would actually come to Skipton to do a talk on what it was like to be in "ER", there seems very little reason for me to actually stay in the WI. Except suddenly... suddenly I want to raise money in memory of a man I loved, and to do that I'm prepared to take me clothes off for a WI calendar, and if you can't give us ten minutes of your time, Madam Chairman, well then, frankly, guys, I'm going to do it without council approval. Because there are some things that are more important than council approval. And if it means that we get closer to killing off this shitty, cheating, sly, conniving bloody disease that cancer is, oh God, I tell you, I'd run round Skipton market naked, smeared in plum jam, wearing nothing but a knitted tea cosy on me head and singing "Jerusalem". [laughter]

Now I hope you understand why I named my blog what I did. (the "I hate plum jam" part) I do hate plum jam but I am a good cook but I would run around nekkid too if i thought it would do any good in curing cancer.
Welcome to my world. haha

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