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Diary of a Mad Woman

I'm not really mad, it's just a twist on an Ozzy song. It's about who I am, writing, and what goes on in my life and my head.

Friday, December 31, 2004

The Things We Learn When We Least Expect It.

I have a cousin who is a low functioning Autisic and will probably eventually wind up in a home when he's older. Right now he's only 4 soon to be 5 in June. When his parents took him to a specialist to be diagnosed his father told the doctor about me--how I'm highly intelligent but don't like to be around people, that I like some things to be the same, I live with my parents, etc. etc. The doctor suggested that I had asperger's syndrome which is a mild form of autism and quite rare but this doctor was pretty sure that's what I had since my cousin describe me in detail and had given the doctor enough info to make an educated guess. I looked it up, as did my mother and we both at the same time thought "that's me, that is really me." I found some books on the subject and plan to do some more research and maybe go to a doctor even though I can't afford it. (don't get me started) But it does explain how my whole life I was socially awkward and intelligent and how I liked certain routines and felt more comfortable by myself than with other people. I'm gonna try to keep this updated as much as possible to check my progress. I'll also find out more about my cousin.


At 3:47 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

Hell, our whole family is crazy. lol

I did read that asperger's is often misdiagnosed as depression which is what I was diagnosed with about 7 years ago.

I used to love having all kinds of things going at once: I would read a book, watch tv, listen to music, write and talk to someone at the same time. Now it makes me nervous. Especially the radio. I'll listen to cd's and such but a radio station just drives me up the friggin' wall.

When I was 6 years old I saw a picture of you when you were that age and I thought it was me because we looked so much alike. I think we are alike on the inside too. We're both quiet and want everyone to shut up. haha I don't know how Judy can talk so much and make those kinds of observations at the same time. Must be her family's gift.


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