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Diary of a Mad Woman

I'm not really mad, it's just a twist on an Ozzy song. It's about who I am, writing, and what goes on in my life and my head.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Something to ponder.

I recently read an article where some myth and fokelore expert was defending fanfiction. He said that it was the same as the stories people would tell about Paul Bunyon or some other fictional character. The person telling the story didn't create the character but they used them in a story and the stories survived to this day thereby making fanfiction, in a way, an actual form of writing and not just some way for a nutjob with a computer to mess with other people's characters. AND if someone steals a fanfiction or an idea from a fanfiction they can be sued by the author. Weird, huh?

I'm still stuck on the star trek thing so the person who is helping me write it has agreed to write the next chapter. (yey for me! I'm off the hook! haha) I did accidentally stumble upon an old original story I was writing whilst going through my old notebooks so I think I might develop it some more to help cure the writer's block. Or maybe I'll take another bath using the bath products I got from my sis for christmas then eat some fudge.

I am worth $2,059,690.00 on HumanForSale.com


At 8:10 PM, Blogger TheMarque said...

Looks like we are neighboors..hey neighboor...lol (Clicked 'next blog' and yours popped up)

At 8:16 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

Well howdy neighbor! I didn't think anyone was reading this stuff. LOL Nice to meet you. Did you bring a casserole dish? ;-)

At 10:27 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

Well we look enough alike to pass for twins. If only I was two years older.
I'd eat some fudge but it dried up. I hate that. Now I have to work on my story unless you saved that Pimp My Ride marathon. haha


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