Thanks Mikey, this was fun.
The quiz I mean, get your mind(s) out of the gutter.
The Pork Chop Express.
Which B-Movie Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Why couldn't I have gotten the guy from They Live? Now that's a kick ass movie! I've never even heard of this one and I thought I'd seen all of Kurt Russel's movies. Go fig.
WHAT? You've never seen Big Trouble in Little China? Get to a video store. Go to netflix!
*sheepishly* umm, nope i haven't seen it.
*back to normal* I've heard of it though. It was always on the movie channel just in time to catch the closing credits.
I just came from the video store. Damn, I took the quiz too late. Oh well,i'll get it tomorrow.
See, if it had come out Rowdy Roddy Piper, I have They Live on VHS. B-day gift from my uncle the drunk who has put the family through years of hell. Like I always say guilt is a many splendored thing. haha
but that's another story. ;-)
I got Ash from "Army of Darkness". I cant even believe u have "They Live"! You are the first person I have encountered who has even heard of it! I like Roddy Piper, thats why I had watched the movie.
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